Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne scar remedies and banana bad for acne

For most people who suffer from acne, it begins at puberty. During this stage, human body starts producing some hormones known as androgens. These help in enlargement and extra stimulation of the sebaceous glands in people prone to acne. Some women may get acne during their menstrual cycle or pregnancy due to sensitivity to these androgens. The over production of sebum by sebaceous glands tends to mixing the oil with dead skin cells and bacteria on the surface of the skin. This results in blockage of pores.
Bacteria grows naturally on your skin, and normally do no harm as long as they are not of a dangerous kind. The bacterium responsible for acne is known as Propionibacterium acnes, and produce substances that initiate your immune system. They can infect the sebum and skin cell plug in a pore or follicle, cause inflammation and the formation of pus through the action of your immune response.
This "lunch break" facial accommodates even the busiest schedule. Not only is the treatment quick, it's also versatile. You can even perform a microdermabrasion session on yourself from the comfort of your home. Many home systems can even be incorporated into your morning routine. Ask your local salon about treatment deals.
tags: diabetes skin boils acne, how to cure cystic acne, how can i remove acne off my face

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